Meg, Where Have You Been?


Where’s Meg Been?

Okay, so I know I haven’t really been around much lately. The holidays were a real kick in the ass and I just have not recovered. Between hosting Thanksgiving, traveling for Christmas, and a few family losses, it’s been hard to dive back into blogging.

Back in October, my good friend Heather–who you may know as CONnecting With Heather, or as the Assistant Director of the Dice Tower Con–and I, decided to start our own convention. Last year she had worked with the Dice Tower Con team to bring Prototype Con to life. This year we decided to team up and put it on ourselves under a brand new name–Expedition Prototype Con. Tickets went on sale at the end of November, since then my time has been dedicated to that. This new venture has been super exciting, but also stressful (mostly because of the personal life stuff going on simultaneously). It is a learning process though, and we are certainly learning a lot.

Our convention is setup so that designers can come and have their games playtested and receive feedback directly from the mouths of the testers. There are both scheduled and open playtesting sessions, as well as round tables with industry leaders about topics that can help designers get into the industry and be successful. It’s a low-key con with a laid back vibe.

I had started writing this post at the end of January, and here it is in early March, and still haven’t finished it. Our con actually took place during the last weekend in February. See how far behind I am!?

How Did It Go?

The con turned out to be a great success! For almost a week after that final day, people were posting these amazing, heartfelt statuses about attending our con. The entire weekend felt like just a happy gathering of friends and family. People received great feedback about their games, and participated in helping others get feedback. It was a shining example of the gaming community that I have come to know and love. I’m hoping next year will be just as successful and wonderful!

What’s Next?

Okay, so I have to get back to blogging. I’m looking forward to spotlighting and previewing some amazing games this year. I have two previews coming out towards the end of this month, and I’m hoping to get another out in early April. I’m going to get back to doing a weekly Spotlight and weekly Meg’s Radar ASAP, so keep an eye out for those. Since I have been receiving a lot of the games that I backed last year, I will hopefully work in some Throwback Thursday Reviews and mini reviews as I get the time.

One Quick Thing

I want to thank you all for reading my blog. You don’t have to, but you do anyway, and I think that’s amazing. I’m honestly surprised, that even with all that has been going on and my lack of posting, that I am still seeing people visit my blog and reading my posts. It’s a super cool feeling. No lie, I love you guys.

Schedule Change Announcement


Hey guys, with the way things have been going here, I’m going to adapt the blog to a more free-form schedule.

I’m going to go for one post a week, minimum. It may only be my radar list, or if I am not too busy, I will have a spotlight.

I also have two previews coming up that will be posted soon, plus a few more that I am waiting on prototypes for. I have also been playtesting for Artana, so that has taken up some time.

I’m moving forward with some other projects over the next few months, so from November 1st – January 15th, I will not be taking any preview requests. I’m doing this for two reasons:

  • It’s the holidays. My family is all over the state, so we do a lot of traveling at this time of year, and I don’t want to have to worry about deadlines while trying to spend time with my family.
  • The projects I want to work on are going to require some solid attention. Once I get these projects solidified and underway, I can return to a more normal schedule for posting and accepting preview requests.

As always, I appreciate the readership that I have. I do this blog for fun– I don’t get paid to do any of it. I love to help out the community and to help new designers find an audience for their games and find success through KS. I love the gaming community and I love all of you. Thank you for all of your support!<3

Dice Tower Con Shenanigans


Hey everyone!

As this week is coming to an end, I am beginning to pack and prep for Dice Tower Con. This year is going to be super exciting! So, I figured I’d share my schedule for the con and what games I will have with me!


My Con Schedule

-Tuesday: We will be arriving the night before the con, so if anyone is around and wants to game, we are available.

-Wednesday: I will be volunteering at HQ from 9AM- 1PM

-Thursday: I will be running the Tichu Tournament from 9AM- Whenever it ends (probably around 2PM)

I will also be prototyping Moonshot: Lunar Solace at the Prototype Event which is from 1PM-5PM. I will have a friend help out for the first part of the event, since I will most likely still be dealing with Tichu. After this event, I will be passing Moonshot on to the people over at Indie Game Alliance

-Friday: I will be volunteering at HQ from 8AM- 12PM

-Saturday: I have a meeting at 1PM, but I am free the whole rest of the day!

-Sunday:  I will be volunteering at HQ from 9AM- 1PM

What games are you bringing? 

Excellent question! Here is a list of games that I will have on me at the con:

I may have more than this with me, just haven’t decided yet.

So Meg, will you be posting anything during the con? 

Yes, I will still be posting to the blog during the con. However, I will not be following my normal schedule. I will have a preview of Barnyard Roundup coming out on Thursday. I don’t foresee posting anything else during the week, but I will be working on another preview that will go out the following week.

Speaking of the following week, things will be kind of wonky. I will most likely be posting a preview on Monday or Tuesday, then a spotlight on Wednesday. I’m hoping that will remain the case, but I will post on Facebook if there are going to be any changes to that.

Want to play a game with me?

Even though this will be a super busy con for me, I would still like to… Ya know… Play some games. If you’d like to get together and try one of the games I am bringing, or if you want to be cool and teach me a new game, that’d be awesome! You can message me on Twitter or on my Facebook page. Hell, you can even email me. You can also come find me at HQ during my volunteer times.

If you are going to DTC I hope you have a fun and safe con! 🙂

Meg’s Radar– A Brief Announcement


I’m Making A List… And Possibly Checking It Twice

There is a constant flow of projects on Kickstarter– one ends and another immediately takes its place. This makes it really difficult to keep up with all the comings and goings. I find that I am constantly coming across projects I would like to write about, but with time constraints, I just won’t be able to commit to a full spotlight. So, I’ve decided to put together a weekly list that will help you guys (and myself) keep up with the different games and comics that have entered into the Kickstarter domain.

The projects I list here will have made it onto my radar (see what I did there). They are things I’m interested in, or that I think have a lot of potential. I will also make sure to include projects with themes I may not normally go for. Just because it isn’t interesting to me, doesn’t mean it won’t be interesting to you. There will be no set number of projects on these lists. One week I might have 10, the next I may only have 5. This all just depends on what I come across. This list may also have projects I eventually write about, but I will make no guarantees. I will try to give each project a mini spotlight, just so you can get a taste before you go diving into the campaign page.

I’m hoping that Meg’s Radar will help introduce projects to people, who may not have seen or heard about them otherwise. I also hope it helps the creators of these project get some vital funding to help their ideas come to life. I know, I’m just sappy like that. I’m planning to release the first Meg’s Radar list sometime this weekend, so be on the lookout for that. Well, that is all for my brief announcement.

Thanks for reading! 🙂