Spotlight– 7 & 7 By Cory Goff


Prototyping Community: A Brief Interview With Cory Goff

One of my favorite things about being part of the gaming community, is getting to playtest games in their early stages. There is nothing more exciting than watching as the idea for a game unfolds, and then getting to provide feedback to make the game the best it can be. As a playtester, this has often been an incredibly fun and enriching experience, but I have always wondered what it was like to be on the other side of the table, as the designer. It can’t be easy sharing your ideas, and opening yourself and your game to criticism, but it can also be an incredibly insightful and productive learning experience.

supguild-logoFor this week’s Tuesday spotlight, I wanted to do a little something extra and give a peek at the designer’s side of the prototyping experience. As luck would have it, the designer of 7 & 7, Cory Goff, and I are both members of theSUPguild. For those who aren’t familiar, theSUPguild is a free prototyping/playtesting group, based out of FL, that anyone can join. It’s a great community to share your game, go to playtesting events, and get help from playtesters and other designers. Thanks to our connections through SUP, I was able to get a hold of Cory, and he was awesome enough to answer a few of my questions.

What made you join Sup Guild?

Cory: As a game designer, it was a no-brainer.  Why not join theSUPguild? There are no negatives in doing so.
– It’s a great way to get improvement ideas
– Meet new and interesting people who share a common interest in gaming
– A great way to get constructive feedback
– Test your game in different ways
– Get an early peek at up-and-coming games
– Networking
– It’s free

How was your overall prototyping experience? Specifically, what was it like with SUP?

Cory: My overall prototyping experience was wonderful. Each and every one of the staff members were super friendly.  They treated me like a guest in their own home.  None of the testers sugar-coated feedback and that’s what I wanted.  I’m looking forward to doing it again in the future!

Do you think having a strong prototyping community is important, and why? Does it only benefit designers, or do you think it is just as important for players?

Cory: A strong prototyping community is very important.  The individuals you have in your life may not be the best choice for testing.  You want those who are going to take your game seriously early on.  Having a group to test your prototype will also speed up your chances of getting to that polished game sooner.  Of course the prototype community benefits designers, but it’s just as important for players.  We all want to be a part of something.  When that something is a hobby, it’s an even greater experience. To be tester is like watching a niece/nephew grow up.  A prototype player’s involvement can help nourish that growth.

What was your favorite part of the prototyping process?

Cory: As silly as it may sound, my favorite part of the prototyping experience was watching testers play a game made of pieces of paper with writing on it. It had no artwork, the wording may have been incorrect, and not everything about the game was finalized, but there were people who were still willing to play it.

What was your favorite part of the design process? 

Cory: My favorite part of the design process was coming up with ideas for the art. I love using my imagination.  It’s a great feeling seeing it come to life. An even better feeling when people love the art.

What inspired you to create 7 & 7?

Cory: My inspiration for 7 & 7 actually came from the film Se7en, starring Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman.  I figured most things have an opposite, so I researched the opposite of the 7 deadly sins.  After learning of the virtues, I thought that it would make a great theme for a game.

And that was my brief interview! Special thanks to Cory, for answering all of my questions. Now let’s dig into 7 & 7! 

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